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Affichage des articles du décembre, 2017

Release your self

Release Your Self As we live in this world,we are faced to touns of challenges that may suppress our selves.As a result,we feel uncomfortable.We asked our self entirely what brings us here . Why am i here ? i didn't even choose to be here stuck in the problem.Living a life of machinery.Making the same action every day.repeat,repeat,repeat... We are chasing money . We are in need of happiness.We seek our refuge in relegions.So may be we will be satisfied.Death bring us is the end the end of everything,the end of existence,the end of our desires.Didn't ask yourself,why you have been here?.What people don't understand is they create constraints to themselves then they blame their self.We live in a world full of constraints.if don't do that you never get that.We should start to change this thinking.We should connect to the infinite,to God.And start to detach from this matrix full of constraint.Our ego is a big problem. we can live together peacefully wit...

The Strange Road

The Strange Road What doesn't kill you make you stronger the proverb has a deep meaning.A way that we have chosen to take into a blury road.A death's memory of a friend is bad.Commiting suicide may be a solution to end suffer but not it is the beginning of the suffer.Being dispared of life must bring us to be patient.Patience what a hard word to make it true.if we have been patient no one will commit suicide . the human being can't be satisfied.he gets bored quickly and want to find the fullfilment of his feelings.We can't feel always's a dream that can be true only in paradise. let's decorticate the situation.we have been taught that we must be a great person since we are kids.We have been bombarded with this thing.later on , people as they grow they put limitation in their mind so they abondon.The Situation is critical when they start to abondon their dreams.They start accepting their situation.So they stop evolving. I find writing dow...