The Birth of An Idea
The origin of an idea stays mysterious,have you ever asked your self where does your ideas came from.Let's try to understand the phenomena .Ideas influences our actions.We act with relation to our ideas .Ideas are the essence of actions.Let's take an example of a simple origin of an idea.We take the example of adam and eve . they were in paradise and God ordered them to avoid eating from the tree.Satan whispers them to eat from it.Adam did it.So as conclusion of the story.The origin of the idea of eating from the tree came from satan.So we understand that idea come from exterior environment .Our mind uses the perception of our senses to analyse the environment around us then an idea is born.The birth of this idea is the cause of the birth of other ideas.Ideas has a neutral meaning.And then,came the role of the common sense of the human ,his capacity of distinguishing wether the idea is good or evil.
An analysis from the quran says that evil ideas can come from yourself or from satan.The origin of the good stays within the common sense.
Another important fact of the birth of an idea is information.The more we have informations the more our ideas are developed.Our mind has the capacity to filter information and to combine them into complex ones.So comes new creative ideas.
Some people says that ideas come from the brain.I think it's not precise.Our senses perceive exterior environment,then comes emotions which gives life to the information perceived.these emotions doesn't come from brain only .These emotions came from the heart.A recent research says that the heart contains cells that recognise
informations gathered by the senses.So emotions are combination of an interaction between the brain and the heart as a result of that emotion .An idea come to birth.
So as a result of this interpretation,emotions and informations are the essentials causes of the birth of an idea.Extreme emotion with a massive information can lead to creative positive ideas or destructive ones.A lack of emotion can causes lack of creativity.
Written by Rami Babay
wonderful !