From Darkness To Light
Darkness and light is state of is the matter that you see it or not,understand it or not,perceive it or not.At the beginning there was nothing.It is emptiness.God stands alone.We don't know too much about him at that state.the question remain is that No color means dark?and why that particular black could be represented in another way that's what we point to.Then a big explosion created light.So light flourish from darkness.As we know or as people says Darkness is the abscence of light whereas at the beginning it was dark and then light flourish from that darkness to shine upon our faces.Darkness rules but an entity caused that light to is god.God is the light.if there was no god no light will be present.No life will be present so we correct our term.At the beginning it was Light in emptiness.then the big explosion scattered that portion of visible light into the universe.
Light is a big doesn't represent only a physical is a complex combination The Sign of goodness and hope.
As we mention,dark ages where there was no light .the evil ruled.societies dropped into the trap of ignorance.The catholic churchs were dictatures of their times.A Religion with conflict with reality.
it was a flourish from that darkness and took the candle to enlighten the way and to emerging people from darkness to is the power of knowledge at that time that vainquished the promoter of the dark religion.Meanwhile,centuries before in the east,A religion that promote knowledge flourished it promoted good values and morals.It consider knowledge is the key to connect to god .In other term,to snatch from his absolute is the religion of islam.the art of observation as proof of existence of good was introduced by the story of Abraham following his path prophets took observation as important tool to discover reality.So that is was one of pillar of scientific method who is based on observation and experiment.Prophet muhammed came to accomplish the abrahamic way of reaching god'slight.And by revelation,he established individual ,social and political rules that guide the entire humanity to god's light.As at that time this religion wasn't accessible to the west world who lived in darkness.In East, science flourished and discoveries began to multiply.Rules of maths,physics,astronomy and architecture are set.the follower of prophet muhammed decided that this light should be spread in the world to eliminate evil.west world began to be influenced by the progress in the east.So they send one of them to learn from eastern scholars.And then light was spreaded in the west .they develop more knowledge from eastern discoveries and they improved it.the east world enter into a choatic state.Evil is always here .by taking distance from the age of the prophet muhammed .Easterns began to forget the essence of their religion ,started to compete for gouvernance and left knwoledge.the west world learned from the bad experience.they take a decision to not turn off .
it was a flourish from that darkness and took the candle to enlighten the way and to emerging people from darkness to is the power of knowledge at that time that vainquished the promoter of the dark religion.Meanwhile,centuries before in the east,A religion that promote knowledge flourished it promoted good values and morals.It consider knowledge is the key to connect to god .In other term,to snatch from his absolute is the religion of islam.the art of observation as proof of existence of good was introduced by the story of Abraham following his path prophets took observation as important tool to discover reality.So that is was one of pillar of scientific method who is based on observation and experiment.Prophet muhammed came to accomplish the abrahamic way of reaching god'slight.And by revelation,he established individual ,social and political rules that guide the entire humanity to god's light.As at that time this religion wasn't accessible to the west world who lived in darkness.In East, science flourished and discoveries began to multiply.Rules of maths,physics,astronomy and architecture are set.the follower of prophet muhammed decided that this light should be spread in the world to eliminate evil.west world began to be influenced by the progress in the east.So they send one of them to learn from eastern scholars.And then light was spreaded in the west .they develop more knowledge from eastern discoveries and they improved it.the east world enter into a choatic state.Evil is always here .by taking distance from the age of the prophet muhammed .Easterns began to forget the essence of their religion ,started to compete for gouvernance and left knwoledge.the west world learned from the bad experience.they take a decision to not turn off .
And from that time , western world is at the top hill of progress.
Easterns forgot their roots began to emitate with ignorance .We can say that these centuries are the dark age of eastern world.
written by rami babay
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